
Articles Posted in Underinsured Motorist (“UIM”) Claims


Erie Insurance Exchange v. Craighead: Protecting the Purpose of Underinsured Motorist Coverage

In a case determined in September 2022, the Indiana Court of Appeals decided an important and common issue for injury victims when dealing with their own insurance in its opinion in Erie Insurance Exchange v. Craighead. Many drivers who are injured as a result of an underinsured motorist turn to…


Can Indiana Motorists Stack Underinsured/Uninsured Motorist Protection Benefits Across Multiple Policies?

When someone is involved in an Indiana car accident that was caused by another driver, there is a good chance that the at-fault driver will not have adequate insurance coverage to fully compensate the accident victim for their injuries. This is also the case in Indiana hit-and-run accidents where the…


Motorcyclist Awarded Benefits from Underinsured Motorist Coverage by Court

A motorcyclist who suffered severe injuries in a traffic collision may collect underinsured motorist benefits under several policies, the Missouri Supreme Court’s ruled in Manner v. Schiermeier, No. SC92408, slip op. (Mo., Jan. 8, 2013). The court rejected the argument of the two defendant insurers that exclusions for “owned vehicles”…

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