

Individuals in passenger cars are like the “Davids” on the highways, surrounding by ominous and dangerous “Goliaths.” These Goliaths are the semi-trucks that frequently pass through Indiana. If you are a passenger car driver, you need to be aware of the dangers that are present out on the roads.

Two Injured in Passenger Car and Semi-Truck Collision

Recently, a 27-year-old man from Waterloo was severely injured when his pickup truck crossed the median on Interstate 69 near Ashely and collided with two semi-trucks on the other side. The crash closed the northbound lanes on the interstate for more than five hours on Monday, June 9 th. This story was reported in the Journal Gazette and the original report can be read

The Indiana State Police reported that the pickup truck crossed the median and struck one semi, then spun off and hit another in another lane. One of the semis flipped onto its side after the accident, and the 53-year-old trucker operating the vehicle was injured. The other vehicle remained upright and the driver was not harmed.

The man in the pickup suffered a hip injury and was trapped in his vehicle. He was transported to a local hospital and treated. All three drivers were wearing seat belts which reduced the severity of their injuries.

The Necessity of Safety on the Roadways

As a motorist, it is important to remember that your small vehicle does not have nearly as much momentum as a large semi-truck. Drivers need to make sure they are aware of this vulnerability on the road and drive defensively.

Ways to avoid truck-car collisions include:

  • Avoid driving beside a truck for an extended amount of time
  • Stay clear of truck blind spots
  • Stay focused on the road and your surroundings while driving
  • Take note of big-rigs on the road and drive appropriately

If you are injured in a truck-car collision, talk with a trusted Indiana personal injury lawyer at the firm today for more information. With the right attorney on your side, you may be able to seek compensation for any injuries caused by a truck and car crash. Trucking companies are often backed by insurance defense companies, so you will want a well-trained and accomplished attorney
to argue on your behalf. Call today for more information or to set up a complimentary consultation with a lawyer from our team.

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